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Scope of Work:

S & S Unlimited, Inc. performs the following services for and on behalf of their client Associations:  

  • Provide to the Association and its officers, committee chairs and others whom have been delegated responsibilities, professional and technical assistance to carry out policies and programs to meet goals.  

  • Participate in the planning, development and implementation of events, programs and activities as described herein.  A specific outline of contractor responsibilities established under general headings is identified as follows:  



  1. Market and recruit new members. 

  2. Send membership notices to agencies and individuals in advance of renewal date. 

  3. Send follow-up notices to agencies and individuals to collect late renewals, if any. 

  4. Maintain up-to-date listing of paid members with contact information. 

  5. Receive and record dues payments submit to treasurer for deposit. 

  6. Maintain mailing labels for membership. 

  7. Mail out meeting notices and other notices as required.  


  1. Deposit any payments received for Association and send to Treasurer.

  2. Submit any invoices for approval to President and Treasurer. 

  3. Prepare vouchers for expenses incurred by Service Office and submit to President for approval. 

  4. Assist Association President and/or Budget Committee with development and preparation of annual budgets. 

  5. Assist with maintaining Association budget; review income, expenses, and oversee budget for overruns. 

  6. Assure filing of IRS Form 990 or other IRS forms as required (as needed, currently performed by member providing accounting services).  


  1. Maintain Association website to include but not limited to: 

    • Post information on current housing issues. 

    • Post information on current Association activities. 

  2. Maintain Association Social Media Forums (i.e., twitter, facebook, etc.) 

  3. Assist Member Services with annual directory as requested.  



  1. Work with Association Committees to plan and schedule training sessions, workshops, and other educational sessions, as planned. 

  2. Develop all materials, brochures, mailings and arrange for presenters and programs necessary to conduct training sessions and workshops authorized by Association. 

  3. Maintain records the registrations, collections of monies, etc as necessary to conduct such training. 

  4. Deposit fees collected and copy to Treasurer. 

  5. Provide a detailed report of activities to Association Executive Board at each regularly scheduled meeting (currently April and September) on each training, workshop and conference. 

  6. Recommend training sites, dates in cooperation and coordination with Association designated committees. 

  7. Market training session and workshops by website and electronic communications and/or mailed notices.   



  1. Develop meeting agenda and programs in coordination with Association Vice Presidents, Steering Committee and Standing Committees for all meetings, conferences and training sessions. 

  2. Current conference / training sessions include:  Spring Conference and  Fall Conference

  3. Committee meetings, including Executive Committee (Corporate Board), are scheduled as part of the Spring and Fall Conferences. 

  4. Training sessions are to be developed in concert with the Professional Development Committee or other Committees to meet the training needs of the membership.   

  5. Determine meeting sites, dates, hotel selection, etc. in cooperation with Association Professional Development Committee. 

  6. Develop meeting notices, agendas, hotel information, etc. and distribute to members and non-members in Association, or to other states, as determined. 

  7. Work with Association Vice Presidents, Program Committee and/or Host Agency in establishing agendas and arranging for speakers and presenters. 

  8. Print meeting programs (or facilitate program to be printed). 

  9. Market conferences and meetings via website and electronic communications and mailed notices. 

  10. Prepare registration packages for all attendees. 

  11. Receive registration forms and fees. 

  12. Issue on-site receipts. 

  13. Deposit fees and copy to the Treasurer. 

  14. Handle registration at meetings with assistance of Association Host Agency / Member Services.  

  15. Make special arrangements for out-of-town speakers, presenters, etc. 

  16. Coordinate all meeting activities, meeting room arrangements, meals, banquets and breaks with hotel. 

  17. Review hotel bills and facilitate payment of legitimate bills with the Treasurer.   



  1. Maintain exhibitor roster. 

  2. Solicit exhibitors for conference attendance. 

  3. Send notices of meetings/conferences requesting exhibitor participation. 

  4. Receive, record and deposit exhibitor fees and copy to Treasurer. 

  5. Coordinate with exhibit booth space with hotels and exhibitors. 

  6. Coordinate with exhibit booth contractors on setting up and taking down booths. 

  7. Coordinate exhibitor registrations, arrangements and work with exhibitors as needed during meeting to assure maximum opportunity for successful exhibitor show.   

  8. Arrange for exhibitor recognition.   



  1. Attend all regularly scheduled Association Executive Board Meetings, conferences / trainings, plus any additional meeting and/or trainings deemed necessary by the Association President.  

  2. Travel as required to administer Association service office.   



  1. Assist with arrangement of meetings with Congressional Members and/or U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) personnel, at Legislative Conference in Washington, DC. 

  2. Assist with creation and dissemination of Association Annual Legislative Position Paper. 

  3. Notify Association Members of activities at Legislative Conference.   



  1. Assist Association Legislative Chair in monitoring legislative issues and disseminating information to Association members.  

  2. Assist with legislative meetings and/or receptions as determined by the Association President. 

  3. Maintain legislative information on Association website.  

  4. Notify Association members of relevant pending legislation.    


  1. Coordinate Association activities with HUD, Regional NAHRO, National NAHRO, other State Chapters of NAHRO, and other Housing Associations and groups. 

  2. Maintain official minute book for Association and post on website. 

  3. Assist Nominating Committee and Secretary with nomination and election process as deemed necessary. 

  4. Respond to correspondence and phone calls pertinent to Association business. 

  5. Maintain office for the operations of Association. 

  6. Communicate with members via website and electronic communications. 

  7. Other duties as assigned.   

ADDRESS: 12246 FM 1769, GRAHAM, TEXAS 76450

TEL: 940-521-9982  |  SHELLI@BRAZOSNET.COM


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